Vault Tokens

Upon depositing into a strategy vault, users receive a vault token as a receipt of their share of the vault. Vault tokens earn strategy APR plus esNEU rewards (may vary according to strategy), which can be staked to earn protocol fees.

Refer to this page to read about the esNEU token.

GLP Market Neutral Vault (nGLP)

The nGLP token is the receipt token for the GLP Market Neutral Vault. The price of nGLP reflects the GLP token value added to the net collateral value in our ETH and BTC short positions. Your rewards from GLP APR will be accumulated real-time based on previous week's distribution.

The nGLP token is automatically staked to snGLP tokens, and starts accumulating rewards as soon as they are minted and staked. Strategy rewards as DAI and bonus esNEU rewards are claimable in the Rewards section of the nGLP vault page.

Read more about the vault here GLP Market Neutral Vault (nGLP)

USDC LP Market Neutral Vault (nUSDC)

The nUSDC token is the receipt token for the USDC LP Market Neutral Vault. The price of nUSDC reflects the LP token investment value on Camelot. Your rewards from LP farming APR will be auto-compounded in the nUSDC token, which will reflect the increasing value by its exchange ratio with USDC.

This nUSDC token is automatically staked upon minting, so the token you receive in your wallet is snUSDC. snUSDC earns bonus APR from xGRAIL and esNEU rewards.

Read more about the vault here USDC LP Market Neutral Vault (nUSDC)

Last updated