

Step 1. Go to Earn page

Step 2. Click the Stake button of the section according to the token that you want to stake.

Step 3. If it is your first time staking your NEU/esNEU, you will need to approve deposits by clicking on the "Approve" button.

Step 4. Enter the amount of NEU/esNEU you want to stake and click the "Stake" button.

Step 5. Once your tokens have been successfully staked, you will be able to see the number of "Staked" tokens change on the UI.


Step 1. Go to Earn page

Step 2. Click the Unstake button on the Earn section.

Step 3. Enter the amount of NEU/esNEU you want to unstake and click the "Unstake" button.

Step 4. Check if you have any tokens reserved for vesting esNEU tokens.

If you unstake reserved tokens, your vesting will stop until you reacquire the corresponding reserved tokens.

Read the dedicated page to learn about vesting and reserved tokens -> Vesting

Step 5. Once your tokens have been successfully unstaked, you will be able to see the number of "Staked" tokens change on the UI.

Last updated