Statistics Page

nGLP Price Composition

This graph shows the overall composition of the nGLP price.

  • nGLP Price: Total GLP reward in $ value

  • Trader PnL: Total esNEU reward in $ value

  • Delta Spread: Cumulative total $ value of GLP Reward and esNEU Reward

  • Total Delta: Net Trader PnL and Delta Spread values at given time


This graph shows how the nGLP vault rewards (APR) were composed.

  • GLP Rewards: Total GLP reward in $ value

  • esNEU Rewards: Total esNEU reward in $ value

  • Cumulative Rewards: Cumulative total $ value of GLP Reward and esNEU Reward

Total return per nGLP

This graph shows the difference between nGLP price with and without rewards.

  • nGLP + Rewards: Price of nGLP with distributed rewards in $ value

  • nGLP: Price of nGLP token excluding rewards at given time


  • TVL: Total $ value of funds deposited to vault


This graph shows the composition of delta that the nGLP vault was exposed to.

  • Trader PnL: PnL of all positions on GMX. Positive number means that nGLP vault gained profit.

  • Delta Spread: Total $ value of nGLP vault market exposure

  • Cumulative Total Delta: Net Trader PnL and Delta Spread values over time

Rebalancing cost

This graph shows the date & composition of the cost upon rebalancing.

  • Open Fee: $ value of fee spent for opening positions on GMX during rebalancing

  • GLP Trade Fee: $ value of fee spent for buying/selling GLP on GMX during rebalancing

  • Rebalance Fee (Cumulative): Cumulative $ value of total open fee and GLP trade fee during rebalancing

Last updated