Figures Explanation

View Your Position

You can check your position and rewards on the left side of the screen.

  • My nGLP: This value shows your nGLP holdings and their USD value

  • Reserved nGLP: This value shows your nGLP tokens that are reserved for esNEU vesting. Read more about vesting -> Vesting

  • Reward: GLP rewards are accumulated real-time in DAI with a bonus esNEU based on past week's distribution.

Vault Features

  • APR: The APR shows the interest you can earn in one year. The nGLP vault APR includes the following values:

    1. GLP Rewards APR: This value shows the APR earned from GLP investment, which will be distributed in DAI. Please note that, as we accumulate rewards over a period of 1 week and distribute them on a weekly basis, the APR shown on the screen reflects GLP APR from the previous week.

    2. esNEU Rewards APR: This value shows the APR of esNEU rewards, which will be distributed dynamically according to APR.

  • nGLP Price: nGLP price reflects GMX's GLP price plus the net collateral value of ETH and BTC short positions.

  • TVL: This value shows the total $ value of funds deposited into the vault. Below the TVL shows how much room is left for additional deposits.

Vault Stats

  • Total APR: This value shows the total APR of nGLP vault over time. Since esNEU is also distributed as rewards, NEU price is reflected into the APR.

  • nGLP Price: This value shows the nGLP price in $ value.

Please Note

  • There is a 20% performance fee collected from APR every week. The APR you see is the final value after fee deduction.

  • The nGLP price may fluctuate, caused by innumerous variability of long and short values. If there is even a -0.000000000000001 in price, nGLP price will be round down.

Last updated