Figures Explanation
View Your Position
You can check your position and rewards on the left side of the screen.
My nGLP: This value shows your nGLP holdings and their USD value
Reward: GLP rewards are accumulated real-time in DAI with a bonus esNEU based on past week's distribution.
Vault Features
APR: The APR shows the interest you can earn in one year. The nGLP vault APR includes the following values:
GLP Rewards APR: This value shows the APR earned from GLP investment, which will be distributed in DAI. Please note that, as we accumulate rewards over a period of 1 week and distribute them on a weekly basis, the APR shown on the screen reflects GLP APR from the previous week.
esNEU Rewards APR: This value shows the APR of esNEU rewards, which will be distributed dynamically according to APR.
nGLP Price: nGLP price reflects GMX's GLP price plus the net collateral value of ETH and BTC short positions.
TVL: This value shows the total $ value of funds deposited into the vault. Below the TVL shows how much room is left for additional deposits.
Vault Stats
Total APR: This value shows the total APR of nGLP vault over time. Since esNEU is also distributed as rewards, NEU price is reflected into the APR.
nGLP Price: This value shows the nGLP price in $ value.
Please Note
There is a 20% performance fee collected from APR every week. The APR you see is the final value after fee deduction.
The nGLP price may fluctuate, caused by innumerous variability of long and short values. If there is even a -0.000000000000001 in price, nGLP price will be round down.
Last updated